Bridgely Key Options works with several new and experienced PEO Brokers and Insurance Agents who also sell PEO services. Using a broker or agent does not cost you any extra money. Using a broker or agent will actually save you money. These are professionals who leverage their experience and relationships to get you the best price possible. They will most likely earn a residual commission, so they want you to be happy for a long time! They will monitor your account and help you make any changes you want when you want them. This could be helping you get additional services that you didn’t need at first or helping you shop to ensure you have the best price.
Each business is unique and many PEO’s specialize in certain industries. By using a broker or agent that is best fit for you, they can find the best PEO for you. We help ensure you get both. We match your business needs with a broker or agent who will be experienced in your industry. Negotiations and services vary from PEO to PEO. PEO’s who specialize in blue collar solutions wont be a good match if you are a tech firm. PEO’s who specialize in white collar solutions might not be a good fit for a roofer. Knowing the various PEO’s appetite for risk, services, as well as size is what a broker or agent will do for you. Sometime even comparing big PEO’s to small PEO’s can make the difference.

New Brokers
Becoming a PEO Broker does not require any special license. However, having an insurance license is extremely helpful. You must also have a solid understanding of what employer's go through on a regular basis relating to the headaches of managing all the HR components of their business.

There is no limit to your earning potential as a PEO broker. This position is a commission only based position. So, you can work as little or as hard as you want without anyone breathing down your back looking for "TPS reports". But, we are looking for only the most driven people interested in being very successful.

Bridgely Key Options helps PEO Brokers and Insurance Agents with all aspects of the PEO selling process as well as servicing client needs. By utilizing BKO's all inclusive services, you don't have to search for solutions to solve your clients and prospects needs. We can help you get them covered.
Learn More - How to become a PEO Broker
Strategic Partnership
Although we work with a variety of PEO’s, covering all industries, we have a strategic partnership with Workforce Business Services.
Give us a call now 855-899-1589 or use the form below.