Bradenton, FL 34205

More business owners are using a PEO now than ever before.

More business owners are using a PEO now than ever before.

Growing Opportunity

NAPEO White Paper Highlights shine on the growing industry

“As awareness of PEOs increases, the industry as a whole continues to grow. This paper provides new measures of the size, scope, and footprint of the PEO industry as of the end of calendar year 2020.” – NAPEO 2021 White Paper (download here)

As the economy continues to open, employers need PEO services now more than ever.  Since there are 487 PEO options, business owners need experienced brokers to help them navigate the sea of choices to find the right fit for them.  Each year as the industry is becoming more established, business owners will be more familiar and more comfortable with the PEO relationship.  The growth and migration of business owners to PEO relationships means greater opportunity for brokers and agents to not only grow your income, but help business owners get the services and coverage they need.

As shown in the chart above, the PEO industry is on track to have over 4 million worksite employees in the very near future.  Maybe your next client will be the one that helps the industry cross that milestone!  

Still juggling?

The PEO model is all about saving time and money.  Business owners can stay focused on their customers and growing their business.  Shouldn’t you want the same for your business?  Working with Bridgely Key helps brokers stay focused and sell more by freeing up their time while earning more commission. 

Bridgely Key Options helps brokers with:

  • Proposals
  • Paperwork
  • Email campaigns
  • Health Quotes
  • General Liability Quotes
  • Traditional Work Comp Quotes
  • Supplemental Benefit Quotes
  • Technology solutions
  • and more

Our model depends on trust.  We will only do as much or as little as you want.  With over 30 years of experience in the PEO industry and almost 8 years as Bridgely Key Options, we are the people you can trust.

We work with independent insurance agents and PEO brokers helping them place more construction-related business than any other agency in Florida.  We understand the complex needs and requirements of workers’ compensation, general liability, and payroll challenges business owners face.  If you are looking for that one thing to set you apart and win more business, give us a call today!