More on the attack against the PEO industry… Like the previous email, the State Legislature is reviewing possible legislation that would be damaging for the PEO industry and as a result your career as a PEO advocate and sales professional. They had a two prong approach but have consolidated efforts under one bill. The abandon Senate Bill 820 / House Bill 1183 are now under Senate Bill / House Bill 1305.
I’m willing to guess that almost all business owners never imagined all the back office employer related regulatory required administrative tasks and responsibilities they would have to do! Thats a mouth full, so what I’m I really talking about – payroll, insurance, taxes, workers compensation, general liability, and more.
Dear PEO Brokers and Agents, We were going to show another bridge picture and draw some creative metaphors about bridges and working together to create greater success, however, there is some important PEO legislation proposed that you should know about. Instead I’m including a picture of my wife and I going to Tallahassee to battle…
Read more When it comes to all the payroll regulations, unemployment challenges employers face, health insurance desires, workers’ compensation coverage requirements, new hire reporting, and more, small business owners can be come side tracked, loose focus, and just sputter along. When that same business uses a PEO, the business owner will benefit by shifting all those…
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