Bradenton, FL 34205

Does this look like your office?

Does this look like your office?

If any of this looks familiar, then it’s time to get some help from a professional employer. Running your business is hard work. Staying focused on things like your customers and less time on payroll and taxes is more important than ever! Employer regulations are constantly changing. Your responsibilities as an employer takes a lot of time to stay on top of those changes or you can face expensive penalties. Its been reported that an average employer pays over $800 in fines each year. A professional employer will take on your liability AND keep you in compliance along with providing high-quality payroll and HR tools, affordable workers compensation and health benefits, as well as many other great services you need to grow your business.

Don’t let the employer regulations waste any more of your time or money! Give us a call today. 855-899-1589 or 941-896-4880.

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